


Improve your strategic analysis through risk assessments unconstrained by stepwise processes

Theory Validation

MiningMath’s results are only possible due to its proprietary Math Programming Solver ©. It consists of a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation and linearization methods that tackle the challenging non-linear aspects of the mining

Guaranteed Solutions

Multiple, complex constraints increase the likelihood of not finding or not existing feasible solutions. Nonetheless, MiningMath always delivers a solution, even if it could not honor the entire set of constraints imposed or had to

MiningMath Uniqueness

MiningMath allows mining managers to improve their strategic analysis through risk assessments that are unconstrained by stepwise processes. Through math optimization models that integrate multiple areas of the business, MiningMath handles all parameters simultaneously and

Time Limit

It is possible to indicate a time limit in hours before running a scenario in the “Run” tab as depicted in Fig. 1. The time limit is defined in hours due to the usual complexity

Must-Read Articles

In order to take the maximum of MiningMath’s Optimization we recommend this flow through our Knowledge Base. It will guide you step-by-step in order to integrate multiple business’ areas and to improve your strategic analysis





CSV Formatting Issues

The main focus here is on the requirements. Try to pay attention to the header names, which should be short (less than 13 characters) with no special symbols*. This nomenclature recommendation is also applied to the name of folders and files. Beyond that avoid a

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