


A unique approach to maximizing NPV

4. Importing stage

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 504 views
Note: the examples in this page are made with the Marvin dataset that comes pre-installed. Still, these steps would be the same if you were using your own data.

To import the block model, select the option New Project on the left panel of MiningMath.

Afterwards, the file name input field is shown in red, indicating a mandatory field. Browse for and select the CSV formatted file. Press Next to advance.

After selecting the CSV file you should enter the Model Name. Optionally, the destination folder (Model Folder) can be changed as well as the Scenario Name, and a Scenario Description can be added.

Summary statistics

Upon clicking Next, the following window will provide a statistical summary of information for the block model that will be imported.


After importing the CSV file into MiningMath, you will need to specify the origin, and block dimensions. The number of blocks is automatically calculated based on this information. In this project, the origin was x=0, y=0, and z=0, and the block dimensions were 30 meters in each coordinate.

Column types

After clicking Next, a form appears, linking the imported CSV file headers to available field types in MiningMath. Each imported column must be associated with a corresponding field type, such as block coordinates with Coord. X, Y, and Z.

Other columns

Typically, MiningMath recognizes some columns automatically when their headers are similar to the field type name. Otherwise, MiningMath will automatically assign them to the field type Other.

Next buttom

To enable the Next button, you need to assign the coordinates and at least one other data column. MiningMath requires some mandatory fields to run a scenario, such as economic value for the processing plant and waste dump. If these are not defined now, you will be able to add them later using the internal calculator.

Grade units

After clicking Next, MiningMath will require grade units. In the Marvin example, the copper grade has been defined as a percentage (%), while gold grade was defined as PPM, which stands for parts per million and, in turn, is equivalent to g/ton.

View model

By clicking on View Model you will be able to visualize your data in the Viewer tab and do some preliminary evaluation. By clicking on Setup Scenario you will be redirected to the scenario tab to create your first scenario to be optimized.

You can have a quick look at your imported data in the Model tab. Don’t worry about checking every detail at this stage. You will have the chance to fully validate your data at the next steps.

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4. Importing stage

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