


Improve your strategic analysis through risk assessments unconstrained by stepwise processes

Understanding Geometric Constraints

Mine planners must consider geometric constraints in open pit mine planning. This ensures the mine operates efficiently, safely, and within regulations. These constraints can significantly influence the design and planning of an open pit mine. By addressing them early in the planning process, mine planners can develop more accurate and realistic mine plans. This comprehensive approach helps in maximizing the economic returns of the mining project while minimizing potential risks and geometric challenges.

Example of geometric constraints in open pit mine planning.
Example of geometric constraints in open pit mine planning.

Integrating Geometric Constraints

In a mining project, the mine planner must accurately dimension each unit operation to determine the most suitable set of equipment for the existing conditions. MiningMath integrates operational parameters as constraints within the objective function, rather than applying them post-pit optimization. This methodology ensures solutions that adhere to operational criteria while maximizing NPV. As a result, it leads to more effective data utilization and uncovering opportunities that might be overlooked with stepwise methodologies and arbitrary assumptions (read more here).

Modeling Geometric Constraints with MiningMath

MiningMath allows users to include geometric constraints and, consequently, find solutions that are closer to real mining operations. You can guide geometries by including mining and bottom widths, mining lengths, maximum vertical advance rates, and forcing/restricting mining areas. All these are briefly described next.

Minimum Widths
open pit operational constraints with minimum bottom width

Bottom Width: this represents the minimum area at the bottom of the pit. You must maintain a sufficient bottom width to ensure the stability of the pit and provide enough space for the final excavation and haulage operations.

Mining Width: this refers to the distance between one pit and another. It ensures that the pits are spaced adequately to allow for safe and efficient mining operations, including the movement of equipment and personnel

Minimum Length

Mining Length: this is the smallest allowable horizontal distance from one pit to another within a given period. It helps to maintain a continuous and efficient mining process by preventing overly close pits that could hinder equipment movement and access.

Vertical Rate of Advance

Vertical Rate of Advance: this refers to the vertical distance mined during each period. It ensures that the mining progresses at a controlled pace, preventing excessive vertical excavation that could destabilize the pit walls and surrounding areas.

Mining area constraints
open pit operational constraints with mining area constraints
Example of mining area constraints and volume to be optimized.

Force mining: define the minimum depths, geometries, or areas that you should mine at specific timeframes.

Restrict mining: define the minimum depths, geometries, or areas that you should not mine at specific timeframes.

Force and Restrict mining: reach the exact shape of a pit by defining the same surface for both Force and Restrict mining at the same timeframe.

Transform Your Open Pit Mine Planning with MiningMath's Geometric Constraints

With MiningMath’s single-step, optimization engine, you can uncover opportunities that manual or stepwise planning might miss. Ultimately, this engine is able to optimize resource utilization and can improve project outcomes. Transform your mine planning process by leveraging these operational constraints in the optimization process and take your mining projects to new heights of efficiency and success.

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