


Obtener el límite superior de NPV mejor que el escenario del mejor caso!

Flujo de trabajo integrado, Mejor caso, Análisis Exploratorio, Optimización de horarios, Planificación a corto plazo

Al ejecutar estos escenarios, ya está dominando MiningMath y el uso principal de superficies y refinamientos.. Las principales sugerencias para mejorar su flujo de trabajo aquí son: Evite usar el mínimo de una capacidad de procesamiento igual a la restricción de suma,

Validación de restricciones

This is the moment of validating every parameter that should be inserted on the evaluation. Por lo tanto, it is pretty useful to understand the main warnings on the surfaces importation. Normalmente, when you import an invalid surface the box

Barra de progreso

During some steps, such as Data Validation, the main question should be about the runtime and the progress bar. It is worth mention that this is a rough guess, ya que la programación matemática no es algo muy predecible. Los pasos de preprocesamiento, en

Importación de errores de datos

When importing you data, there are some common errors that you might face. This page explains how you can solve them. Common erros Checking tooltips The first trick here is to check the tooltips when any question appears.

ejemplo formateado

The Figure aside provides an example of a block model prepared and ready to be imported into MiningMath using the Marvin block modelbased on data available in the MineLib1 repository. Optional fields inside the block model are listed below:

Valores económicos

The economic value calculation is one of most important procedures of MiningMath. Any error on the formula could cause incompatible results and even increase the complexity and runtime based on wrong assumptions that could be done based on these values. The main validations on this step could be done by

practica primero, Optimización de escenarios, Árboles de decisión, teoría detrás, Descripción general de la interfaz

The pre-defined scenarios with Marvin deposit can usually appear with Red Warnings. This means that within the installation process MiningMath could not find a folder to place it. Por lo tanto, to run it you just have to click in the one


The main issues faced here are based on the System Requirements, shown in Error Warning, which often are forgotten to try to check them again. There were improvements in the importation and exportation of coordinates after version 2.0, which were required due to

Preguntas más frecuentes

¿Qué es MiningMath?? Es una aplicación de software que utiliza tecnología innovadora para la programación directa de bloques.. MiningMath tiene como objetivo maximizar el valor actual neto (VAN) de un proyecto decidiendo, basado en un bloque importado

Optimización de escenarios

Play with the predefined scenarios MiningMath allows you to learn with each scenario by providing standard parameters which simulate some common constraints that a mining company may face. Standard scenarios are listed and described below so you

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