


Incrementando el valor sustentable y facilitando la toma de decisiones de proyectos mineros desde 2010

MiningMath publica aquí todas sus políticas de privacidad y términos y condiciones. Please read them in order to use our services.


Anonymize: data processing technique which results in data that cannot be associated with any individual, hence called anonymized. This technique removes or modifies information that could identify a person.

Compliance: word originating in the English language, which means to be ‘in agreement’, eso es, it is the set of measures and procedures to be followed in order to act in accordance with laws, regulations or Policies, to avoid the occurrence of irregularities, fraud and/or corruption in the environment to which it refers.

Consent: gratis, informed and unequivocal expression by which the holder agrees to the processing of his/her personal data for a specific purpose.

Controller: natural or legal person, governed by public or private law, responsible for decisions regarding the processing of personal data.

Galletas: files created in the browser to store user usage preferences on pages of websites accessed, recording data, such as login sections, and facilitating the user experience by saving browsing data. Also used to create unique identifiers for marketing platforms.

Personal data: information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Data officer or DPO: person appointed by the controller and operator to act as a communication channel between the controller, data subjects and the National Data
Protection AuthorityANPD.

Functionality: task performed by the user when using a
software/application, such as buttons or support, available in the technologies.

LGPD: acronym in Portuguese for the General Data Protection Law, Lei Geral de Proteção de DadosLaw No. 13,709, of August 14th, 2018: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_ato2015-2018/2018/lei/l13709.htm

MineríaMatemáticas: private law company, registered with the CNPJ (registration number) under no. 18.037.943/0001-54, responsible for the application of this Policy.

Operator: natural or legal person, governed by public or private law, who processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

Política de privacidad: legal document in which a company publishes the form of collection, use and management of personal data of third parties, whether a customer, supplier, partners or professionals of its team.

Platform: a computing platform may be an operating system, hardware, application interfaces, or even a web browser. It is the location where the specific program will run.

MiningMath technology: first and only single-step mining
su motor de optimización. The software integrates multiple areas of the business, improving strategic analysis and facilitating the decision-making process in mining projects, through risk assessments unconstrained by stepwise processes.

Holder: natural person to whom the personal data that are the object of treatment refer, also referred to as a user.

Treatment: any operation carried out with personal data, such as those relating to the collection, producción, reception, classification, usar, acceso, reproduction, transmission, distribution, Procesando, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, diffusion or extraction.

User: term used in this Policy to refer to people who, when using the services offered by MiningMath, inform their personal data. Hereby also referred to as data holder


In this document, MiningMath seeks to detail to the users of its website, software, social networks, forums and other platforms, the practices adopted in the treatment of their personal and sensitive data.



MiningMath values the security of the personal and sensitive data of the users of its services, social networks and other platforms that it offers to the community. To this end, it ensures its users to follow the precepts of the General Law for the Protection of Personal DataLGPD, its updates and other related legislation. MiningMath also uses the best practices and tools at its disposal to ensure the security of information and data shared by users.

The user may, at any time, refuse to provide any personal data when completing forms, surveys, account registration, entre otros, agreeing that, in the event of a request for services by MiningMath, the purpose proposed for such data request will not be served.

In case the user has informed MiningMath of their personal data on previous occasions and wants to change/access/anonymize and/or delete their data, as well as any other right guaranteed by the LGPD, they can do so by accessing the LGPD CHANNEL and informing
MiningMath of their interest.

MiningMath collects data necessary for the improvement of its services and platforms, enabling the user to access to such services and platforms, in compliance with legal and contractual requirements. This collection aims to provide users with information on topics related to MiningMath technology, generate marketing campaigns and surveys, provide access to its services, forums or platforms and meet any other legitimate interest that the company has, respecting the limits and criteria of the law.

Although MiningMath does not use its own cookies, when you access our website or our products, you may access third-party cookies chosen by MiningMath to enable us to provide services. Además, MiningMath uses services provided by other developers, internet and data storage providers, some of which are outside Brazil. The company has no control over the Privacy Policies of such providers. Its choice is based on the analysis among those who publish commune with the ethical principles of Compliance, as well as complying with the LGPD or similar legislation in their respective countries.

Además, MiningMath does not share its users’ personal data with third parties, without prior specific authorization, except for the cases provided for in item 5.2 a).


Under the terms of the LGPD, the controller of personal data within the scope of this Policy is MiningMath Software Ltda., registered with the CNPJ under number 18.037.943/0001-54, headquartered in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais at Rua Bela Vista no. 230, Padre Eustáquio, ZIP code 30730-000.

This Policy addresses the processing of personal data, presenting guidelines for the collection, treatment, storage and disposal of personal information that occur when accessing, registering or using MiningMath services and platforms, como, but not limited to: sitio web, MiningMath software, Telegram, Whatsapp Business, Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Pipefy, LinkedIn, HubSpot, Google tools (such as Google Analytics, Google Docs, Google Drive), Trello, Sendy, Jira, Gitlab, WordPress, in whatever is the responsibility of MiningMath, as established by the LGPD.


a) Here are all the general guidelines applied to all MiningMath services and platforms, and there may be specific conditions for some of them. If such conditions conflict with this Policy, the guidelines set forth herein shall prevail.

B) When the user accesses or uses MiningMath’s services and/or platforms, he/she affirms that he/she has the legal and right to do so and that he/she fully agrees with this Policy. If this is not the case, the user should not proceed with access or use.

C) To grant access to a legally incapable user, it will be necessary to accept the terms of this Policy by their legal guardian, who assumes all civil and criminal responsibilities for the acts performed by the incapable.

d) The user agrees to comply with all applicable MiningMath policies, and authorizes the sending of technical and advertising information, cual, once provided, can only be expressly revoked through the LGPD CHANNEL.

mi) El usuario, by agreeing with this Policy, is agreeing to appear in MiningMath’s private databases.



En general, MiningMath only collects personal data necessary to carry out the delivery requested by the user, for the improvement of its services and platforms, including user experience and sending marketing and informative communications to which the user has subscribed. Special cases are preceded by prior consent, after the user has subscribed. Special cases are preceded by prior consent, after the user has been informed about the purpose of the collection.

The user may or may not provide requested data. En este caso, this will imply no access to the services provided by MiningMath.

The treatment of data, including data collection, is intended to enable MiningMath to:

(i) identify the user;
(ii) establish academic or commercial relationship;
(iii) release and control the use of SaaS licenses;
(iv) send mailings;
(v) issue metrics and reports;
(vi) meet legal and contractual requirements;
(vii) fulfill other legitimate interests of MiningMath under the LGPD.

Data is collected to identify the user, including to guarantee their safety, rights and duties inherent to participation in digital environments, defined by law and/or in the terms of use of these environments, when applicable. MiningMath may collect one or more pieces of data, depending on the purpose.

MiningMath provides a certificate to those interested in deepening the use of MiningMath technology, which proves to the market the level of knowledge acquired, in a self-taught way, from the knowledge base published by MiningMath on its website.

MiningMath’s Marketing Policy is to send commercial campaigns and surveys about its services to the user who has given such permission. In the body of the email of these disclosures, the user will find the ‘unsubscribe here’ link to unsubscribe the permission previously granted to MiningMath.

The information considered relevant are those related to the content/technical material aimed at the user who has access to MiningMath technology, such as instructions for installing and using new features, technical campaigns, user testimonials, but not limited to these. The request to cancel the receipt of this information must be made through the virtual attendant MIMA.

MiningMath uses Pipefy as a manager of its Talent Bank, for professionals who are interested in joining the MiningMath team, as well as a gateway for candidates for internship vacancies, when vacancies are advertised on the social networks. Other third party platforms may also be used at MiningMath’s discretion.

At MiningMath’s website, any interested party can request a trial license and the user must fill out a specific form for this purpose. Data, both for commercialization and for free licenses, are collected by a third party licensing system and recorded in a database at MiningMath.

MiningMath does not use proprietary cookies to collect user data.

The third party platforms that are accessed through the MiningMath website use cookies to identify the user, installing the cookie on the user’s computer to store browsing preferences on their websites.

The data collected is provided manually or automatically by the user and comprises information about preferences, location and interaction on social networks.


MiningMath shares personal data of users with third parties without the prior consent of the holder in the following cases:

a) to ensure the provision of services provided to the user, the performance of its internal activities and organization of information and/or database, MiningMath uses third party software and tools, requiring the sharing of data between third party platforms, for example Google tools, Pipefy, HubSpot, Trello, Autentique, entre otros. MiningMath ensures that it seeks suppliers that claim to comply with the LGPD rules, or related legislation in their countries, in addition to valuing confidentiality and secrecy;

B) being demanded by court order, to fulfill contractual obligations or in compliance with legal requirements.

MiningMath does not disclose users’ personal data without prior authorization. The user’s participation in MiningMath’s social networks and forums exempts the company from liability for the publication of reactions, comments, photos and other personal information shared by the user in these environments, as it is their free expression and disclosure.

5.3.1 RIGHTS

The user has rights of access and control of their personal data, required by the LGPD.

By filling out forms to access MiningMath services, the user must provide access to their data. Some data is mandatory to grant access to the requested service. Failure in providing such data will imply MiningMath being unable to deliver the desired services.

MiningMath makes the LGPD CHANNEL available to all its users to inform themselves at any time about the treatment or storage of their personal information in MiningMath’s databases. This channel also serves to respond to other requests regarding user data, such as alteration, correction, inclusion and/or exclusion.

For the specific cases of sending e-mails with technical content or marketing campaigns, the form for deleting the data is processed as mentioned in item 5.1.

The impossibility of fulfilling the request for deletion of user data will occur:

a) by contractual and/or legal obligations, which determine specific terms and criteria for their exclusion;
B) to ensure that interactions on forums or social networks are reserved for any dispute, during the legal term;
C) if the data has already been anonymized by MiningMath.

It is the user’s right to request confirmation of the existence of processing of their data. When considering that any of the data recorded in MiningMath is unnecessary, excessive or verifying any other non-compliance in its use, the user can request the anonymization, blocking or elimination of such data.

By virtue of Brazilian legislation, all traffic data referring to user navigation within our sites will be kept anonymously for a period of 26 meses, as well as the minimum data that can identify the user. This data will not be accessed by third parties of any kind, and will remain stored in an independent system not accessible to the external public, unless required by a Brazilian Judicial Authority any company/data storage technology.

All requests made through the LGPD CHANNEL will be answered within 15 días, and data deletion requests will be processed within 72 horas, as determined by the LGPD.

The user may also obtain information on which institutions, public or private, their data is shared with, in addition to being able to request the revocation of consent granted to MiningMath at any time.

Access LGPD CHANNEL to register your order.

Advertencia: due to the category of services provided by MiningMath, there are no ways to request portability of personal data to another provider.

5.3.2 DUTIES

The user’s duties are:

a) to provide only data of which they are the owners, being solely responsible for the information provided, under penalty of having their access to MiningMath services and platforms cancelled;

B) change, at any time, the permissions previously granted to MiningMath.


MiningMath maintains the storage of personal data with a focus on the relationship and delivery of the services requested by the user, for the fulfilment of legal and contractual obligations, to maintain the security of the information and the system. The data will be stored for an indefinite period, complying with legal or contractual requirements, if/when applicable or until such time as the user requests its deletion or alteration. Data stored in cookies may not be stored if they are temporary cookies or if they are deleted by the user.


MiningMath undertakes to take security measures to protect the personal data provided by the user, in accordance with the law, in particular the LGPD, as well as with good market practices, under any circumstances, including any form of inappropriate treatment or unlawful by third parties.

MiningMath uses third party services to store data and information. By hiring suppliers, MiningMath searches for those which have a Privacy Policy available and in compliance with the LGPD. For suppliers headquartered abroad, MiningMath verifies whether they confirm to comply to similar LGPD laws in their respective countries.

In the event of any leakage or unauthorized access to user’s data, MiningMath will follow the legislation and guidelines of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), which are:

a) communicate the fact to all competent authorities, including the ANPD, describing the episode and what data was leaked;
B) implement the necessary measures to minimize damages and losses, which included trying to identify the cause of the facts;
C) take the police, judicial and administrative measures within its capacity and responsibility;
d) communicate to the user what happened and the measures taken, providing him with information to seek some compensation from the intruder.


This Policy can be modified at any time, in compliance with the legislation and the instructions of the ANPD. Contributions from other institutions, partners and users can also generate improvements in this document.

The identification of the version of this Policy and the date on which it became effective are recorded on its bottom.

With each new change, notices will be made available on MiningMath’s communication channels. We suggest that the user seeks information about the existence of updates to this Policy.


Preguntas, suggestions and comments referring to this Policy may be sent to etica@miningmath.com.


This Policy follows the Brazilian legislation, En particular, the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD). As MiningMath is a service provider for the global market, it will also remain attentive to international legislation in what applies to the protection of personal data, in particular the European General Data Protection RegulationGDPR, in a subsidiary way, with prevalence of the Brazilian law.

Por lo tanto, for any dispute in relation to the terms of this Policy, its resolutions will be in accordance with Brazilian legislation, and the Forum of the city of Belo HorizonteMG will be elected to the detriment of any other, however qualified it may be.

Versión 1. Last updated: 28/02/2022
PDF version (EN, PT-BR)


Él MiningMath Forum (‘Forum’) is an environment to interact with others and share knowledge, information and experiences of using MiningMath Technology. The following terms of use apply to all persons (“users”) who use this Foro.

MiningMath Software Ltda. (MineríaMatemáticas, ‘company’): private law company, registered with the CNPJ (registration number) under number 18.037.943/0001-54, headquartered in the city of Belo Horizonte, mg, a 230 Bela Vista street, Padre Eustáquio, ZIP code 30730-000.

User: any participant of the Foro

MiningMath Technology: first and only single-step mining optimization engine. The software integrates multiple areas of the business, improving strategic analysis and facilitating the decision-making process in mining projects, through risk assessments unconstrained by stepwise processes.


All use of the Foro is subject to these Terms and the Privacy Policy. By registering on the Foro, la user agrees to comply with all applicable MineríaMatemáticas policies, and authorizes the sending of technical and advertising information, cual, once provided, can only be expressly revoked through the LGPD CHANNEL. Además, usuarios must monitor and control all activities conducted under their Foro account and make all reasonable efforts to keep all passwords and login information confidential.


  • To share login and password. The login and password are for personal and non-transferable use, and the user is solely responsible for their custody, as well as actions carried out through it, on the Forum.
  • To upload or post links on the Forum to any harmful or malicious technology, including malware, that illegally accesses proprietary information of MiningMath or third parties.
  • To post content which violates applicable laws and government regulations, including but not limited to all intellectual property, datos, privacy and export control laws, and regulations promulgated by
    government agencies.
  • To allow someone else to post on their account or on their behalf
  • To post content which is abusive, offensive, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racist or bigoted, threatening, libellous, defamatory or fraudulent.
  • To disclose someone else’s personal identity or post content which includes another person’s private or personal information, including but not limited to Foro profile information, imágenes, or any other data deemed to be personal.
  • Post content to which the user does not have the rights required by law and pursuant to contractual and fiduciary relationships, such as proprietary and confidential information discovered or disclosed as part of employment relationships or pursuant to non-disclosure agreements.
  • To post spam or advertising.
  • To imitate persons or entities, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent affiliation with a person, organization or entity.
  • To interfere with the functioning, integrity of the Foro or any information, datos, content, other materials available on or through this Foro, nor interrupt them.
  • To access the Forum to create a similar, competing service or copying ideas, características, functions or graphics from the Forum.
  • To authorize, permit, enable, induce or encourage third parties to do any of the above actions.
  • To take any action which violates these Terms


To notify MineríaMatemáticas upon becoming aware of any reasonably suspected acts of illegal or unauthorized activity or a security breach involving their account, including loss, theft, disclosure or unauthorized use of a username, password or account


Él user del Foro may ‘post’ information, datos, graphics, sounds, vídeos, messages, profiles, other materials and content, hereinafter referred to as ‘posts’. Posts include, but are not limited to, all comments, sugerencias, advice and ideas, including those made about services provided by MineríaMatemáticas or MiningMath Technology features, existing or in potential development. All postings are subject to the same licensing provisions as contained in this document.

Usuarios are solely responsible for all posts on the Foro. MineríaMatemáticas has no control over such postings and does not endorse them. MineríaMatemáticas does not endorse any postings. By making a post, la user represents and warrants that they own or hold all intellectual property rights necessary to share all content posted or uploaded, and that the posting does not infringe the intellectual property rights of others.


When posting any content on the Foro, that post will be considered the property of the user. With each posting, la user freely grants MineríaMatemáticas ilimitado, irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free authorization to access, usar, reproduce, display, sublicense, perform and distribute any posted content, y el user also authorizes, if in Lo algoritmo interest, to create derivative works of these postings, for any purpose and without any obligation or compensation to the user.

If the user posts ideas and/or suggestions about improvements to MineríaMatemáticas Technology through the Foro, la user acknowledges and agrees that the posting does not make him/her the inventor of any new functionality that may occur in the development of improvements to the software, including those that may incorporate usuarios’ contributions in the Foro or that are related to those.


MineríaMatemáticas makes its Knowledge Base (‘Base’) available in the English version, and in eventual translations into other languages contained in the Foro made by free automatic translation mechanisms, by partner translators/reviewers, or by the usuarios themselves, in order to facilitate the reading of this Base by other usuarios who do not know the English language, y MineríaMatemáticas is exempt from any liability for the literalness of such texts or for any other type of inconsistency found in the translation. In case of doubt on the user’s parte, MineríaMatemáticas advises to consult the English version.


The purpose of the Foro is to be a place where usuarios de MineríaMatemáticas services connect, communicate and share information, experiences, advice and suggestions about the services provided by MineríaMatemáticas. To ensure and promote a positive environment, MineríaMatemáticas may designate Foro moderators / administrators. MineríaMatemáticas reserves the right to remove and amend any user posting on the Foro at any time, with or without notice, for violation of these Terms or the Privacy Policy, otherwise deemed inappropriate and/or illegal, or for any other reason. MineríaMatemáticas has the right to block usuarios who violate these Foro Terms and prevent them from posting and/or terminating the user’s account on the Foro.


MineríaMatemáticas takes the intellectual property rights of others seriously and requires Forum users to do the same. In case the user has copyright or authority to act on behalf of a copyright owner and would like to claim that a third party is infringing this material on or through the Foro, please report it by emailing etica@miningmath.com.


MineríaMatemáticas, its partners or investors, are not liable to the user or any third party for indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages arising from their participation in the Foro.


Él user will indemnify MineríaMatemáticas, its partners, directors and investors for any and all claims by third parties arising from or related to the following cases:

a) Use or attempted use of the Foro in violation of these Terms.
B) Violation of any law or the rights of any third party.
C) Any postings made on the Foro, including but not limited to any allegation of infringement, misappropriation or violation of any intellectual property, privacy or other rights.


These Terms may be amended, modified or updated at any time, as may any other policy relating to the Foro, a Lo algoritmo discretion. Any material revisions to these Terms will be effective on the date of their publication and will be published in the appropriate channels. Using this service will constitute the user’s acceptance of the revised terms and conditions.


If any provision of the Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, the provision will be modified by the court and interpreted to best serve the purposes of the original provision to the fullest extent permitted by law. The remaining provisions of the Terms will remain in effect.


These Terms constitute a binding contract. Failure to act in accordance could result in legal action. This agreement and any dispute arising from the provisions set forth or related to them are governed exclusively by Brazilian law. The Court of Justice of Belo Horizonte, mg, Brazil is elected as the exclusive jurisdiction to judge any dispute arising from or related to these Terms of Use.

Versión 1. Last updated: 28/02/2022
PDF version (EN, PT-BR)
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