


Obtener el límite superior de NPV mejor que el escenario del mejor caso!

What is Stochastic Mine Planning?

Stochastic mine planning addresses uncertainty by optimizing decision-making in the face of varying and unpredictable conditions. Unlike traditional methods that assume fixed parameters, this approach utilizes probabilistic models to account for fluctuations in ore quality and distribution. By incorporating different scenarios and assessing risks more comprehensively, stochastic mine planning enhances decision-making, leading to improved efficiency and profitability in mining operations.

Example of Grade and Cumulative NPV report for stochastic model with MiningMath.

Optimización de modelos estocásticos

Stochastic model otpimization employs various advanced techniques to address uncertainties in mining operations. Several academic approaches have been explored to improve scheduling outcomes. Por ejemplo, simulated annealing refines schedules by testing multiple options and adjusting based on probabilistic results. Stochastic mathematical programming assesses different scenarios to balance profit and risk, while multistage stochastic programming and heuristic methods enhance schedules by addressing uncertainties related to ore quality and mining conditions.

Despite their advantages, these methods have notable drawbacks. Por ejemplo, simulated annealing and stochastic mathematical programming often require significant computational resources, leading to lengthy processing times, which can be challenging for large-scale operations. Es más, these techniques have not yet been widely adopted in commercial mine optimization software, con MiningMath being the only one offering a solution for stochastic model optimization.

Stochast Mine Planning with MiningMath

MiningMath’s approach to stochastic mine planning involves using stochastic simulations to address geological uncertainties, such as variations in ore grade and volume. Instead of running single scenarios independently, MiningMath integrates all possible scenarios simultaneously within an adapted resource block model y un diverse range of workflows. This adapted resource model includes equiprobable values for variables with inherent uncertainty. Como resultado, MiningMath generates detailed reports that provide a comprehensive risk profile, showing key indicators such as minimum, máximo, expected values, and percentile thresholds (P10 and P90), which reflect the range and distribution of potential outcomes.

Transform your Stochastic Mine Planning

MiningMath’s approach to stochastic mine planning scheduling stands out due to its comprehensive integration of all potential scenarios into a unified model. This thorough and integrated approach allows for better decision-making and risk management, ultimately leading to more robust and reliable mine planning compared to methods that analyze scenarios in isolation.

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