Con MiningMath no existe una curva de aprendizaje lenta y compleja!
Él grado de corte is the concentration of a mineral or metal required to classify materials as either ore or waste. Los materiales con una concentración superior al límite de corte se clasifican como minerales., mientras que todo lo que está por debajo se clasifica como residuo.
Diferente de MiningMath, other software packages usually make assumptions to pre-define a cut-off, y basado únicamente en eso, decide whether a given material should be processed or not. That is needed, por ejemplo, before running LG or Pseudoflow algorithms. Sin embargo, this simplified approach doesn’t account for other required mine scheduling constraints. Es más, even the best algorithms commercially available for optimización de destinos perform this task apart from mine scheduling.
Your projects no longer need to be constrained by cut-off grades, fosas fijas, or pushbacks. MiningMath is the only software available that optimizes the mining sequence and the destination optimization in a single-step, all at once, as a truly global optimization process.
These ventajas become even more apparent in casos mas complejos with multiple destinations or constraints that could be overlooked, hiding potentially valuable opportunities when not considered jointly.
Como resultado, MiningMath may reveal new possibilities, deliver more realistic results and even lead to an increase in NPV through its unique optimización de un solo paso.
Could you be profiting more with your project?
Con desarrollos constantes desde 2013, MiningMath ha alcanzado un estado maduro y robusto. Somos el primer y único motor de optimización de minería de un solo paso disponible en el mercado!
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