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Understanding Strategic Mine Planning

Strategic mine planning involves creating a plan to efficiently use a mineral resource, maximizing its value over the lifetime of the mine. En otras palabras, it is important to establish a timeline for the extraction and processing of the mineral resources, balancing the need for a steady production with operational and market considerations.

Effective strategic mine planning also involves risk management. Through MiningMath’s optimization models, which integrate multiple areas of the business, mining companies can identify efficient extraction methods, minimize costs, and improve overall project value.

Strategic mine planning and its variables.Strategic mine planning and its challenges.

Improve Strategic Mine Planning with Diverse Workflows

MiningMath supports diverse workflows designed to enhance strategic mine planning, empowering mining engineers to improve their strategic analysis through risk assessments. Unlock the full potential of your mining projects by focusing on NPV maximization, solution refinement, and integration using different timeframes.

NPV Maximization Workflows
  • Súper mejor caso: maximize the project's NPV by exploring the entire solution space with only processing capacity constraints.

  • Retrocesos optimizados: generate and analyze pushback scenarios to optimize ore and waste volumes, controling geometric constraints and aiming to maximize the project's NPV.

  • Potencial alcista del VAN: generate and analyze scenarios to measure the impact of each constraint on the project’s NPV.

Optimization and Analysis Workflows
  • Análisis de rango mejor-peor: identify optimal equipment and mining techniques by evaluating varying mine width constraints to maximize production and profit.

  • Análisis de Selectividad: analyze scenarios to assess how different geometric constraints impact the project's NPV, ranging from highly selective to less selective setups.

  • Análisis de sensibilidad multivariable: analyze scenarios by varying selected constraints to optimize mine configuration and enhance productivity and profitability.

Solution Search and Improvement Workflows
  • Mejora del diseño: create scenarios to conduct extensive searches for solutions with similar NPV values, but with fewer violations and improved shapes.

  • Mejora del VAN: generate scenarios to thoroughly search for solutions that maximize NPV while meeting project constraints with minimal violations.

  • Análisis de cuellos de botella: generate scenarios to minimize violations while preserving NPV, maintaining geometries and reducing risks. Aim for efficient, sustainable solutions tailored to mine-specific constraints and needs.

Strategic Integration Workflows
  • Planificación a corto plazo: integrate short and long-term optimizations using different timeframes to streamline strategic analysis and decision-making processes.

  • Multi-mina: find solutions that consider all the pits being mined or mixed at the same time with a single-step, algoritmo de optimización global.

Sustainability Analysis Workflow
  • Análisis sostenible: incorporate social and environmental factors in the mining project optimization, assessing their impact whilst maximizing the project's NPV.

Transform Your Strategic Mine Planning

MiningMath ofrece una robust suite of strategic mine planning workflows designed to optimize every aspect of your mining operations. By leveraging its diverse tools, mining companies can improve efficiency, manage risks effectively, and ensure sustainable practices.

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