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Mejora del VAN

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NPV Enhancement es el proceso de creación de escenarios para realizar búsquedas exhaustivas de soluciones con un valor actual neto más alto (VAN) valores y violaciones similares, considerando los requisitos mínimos para las restricciones del proyecto. Scenarios are created that gradually modify constraints from desirable requirements to minimum requirements, with the goal of increasing project profitability.


conjunto de datos: Depósito Marvin preinstalado. También se puede descargar aquí.

Consider the initial scenario and respective decision tree built for a NPV Enhancement process. The constraints in green (production capacities, restricciones geométricas, and average CU) are considered for modifications, from desirable requirements to minimum requirements, in order to identify solutions with higher net present value (VAN).

Base scenario for NPV Enhancement using the Marvin dataset

Results show a high variation in NPV while the production remains in its limits. Por eso, it shows that it is possible to achieve higher NPVs when employing minimum requirements defined by the user.

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