


A unique approach to maximizing NPV

Stocked blocks

Estimated reading: 1 minute 1603 views

There are two common ways that mining software packages deal with stockpiles:

  • Reclaiming blocks according to an average grade for the entire stockpile.

  • Reclaiming blocks selectively in any required sequence such as FIFO (first in, first out), LIFO (last in, first out), etc.

Both options are approximations and have their advantages and disadvantages.

Currently, MiningMath reclaims blocks selectively from stockpiles according to the highest Economic ValuesRead more about Reclamation Policy.

The user can analyze MiningMath’s output in the files MinedBlocks or AllBlocks and report the periods in which a block has been mined and when it has been processed.

Video 1: How to trace stocked blocks.

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FIFO = First in, first out

LIFO = Last in, first out

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