


Math Optimization models that integrate multiple business’ areas


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This feature allows the user to manipulate their project inside MiningMath, enabling adjustments and new field creation. Figure 1 shows a general view of the calculator. On the left side we have the block parameters and on the right the calculator itself, where the calculation can be done.

Figure 1: Calculator.

To manipulate the calculator just insert a name for the new field, select the type of field (to know more about field types, access this link), and build your expression. In case of a more complex expression, just mark the field “Logical Test” to enable conditional features. To manipulate the calculator just insert a name for the new field, select the type of field (to know more about field types, access this link), and build your expression. In case of a more complex expression, just mark the field “Logical Test” to enable conditional features.

  • + : Addition

  • - : Subtraction

  • * : Multiplication

  • / : Division

  • % : Modulus

  • ** : Exponential

  • // : Floor division

Practical approach

To facilitate the understanding, let’s work on some examples. You can see below a generic math expression (left), and its equivalent written on MiningMath’s calculator (right)

\((x^2)\times(\frac{y}{2}-1)\) x**2*((y/2)-1)

Adding a field without logical expression

Using an example of the Marvin’s Economic Value calculation, we are going to add a Block Tonnes field, as the figure 2:

Figure 2: Adding a new field

Adding a field with a logical expression

One more time using Marvin’s block model, let’s suppose we want a maximum slope angle of 45 degrees.

First, we name our Field, in this case, will be “SlopeMax45d”, select the field type as “Slope” and check the Logical Test box. Then a double click on the Slope field select it and already put it on the Expression. The next step is to select the operator, as we want a maximum of 45 degrees, we choose the operator “>” and insert the value 45 in the text box. If the value is true, that is, if this value is bigger than 45 it will now have the value of 45 assigned to it. If the value is false, i.e., lower than 45, then it will keep its value. Figure 3 shows this calculation:

Figure 3: Logical test expression

During the expression construction, green or red lines will underline it, highlighting the correct parts and the ones that need adjustments to become correct. When it is all set, just click on “Add field” and this new field will be available for use on the project on its correct field type assignments. In case the user needs to delete a field, just go to the parameters option, select and delete it.

Removing a field

To remove an existing field, go to the “Parameters” tab, select the desired field and click “Remove”.

Figure 4: Removing a field
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