


Incrementando el valor sustentable y facilitando la toma de decisiones de proyectos mineros desde 2010


Lectura estimada: 2 minutos 223 puntos de vista

Once you’ve completed the General y Destino subtabs, la Producción subtab will be enabled.

In this section, it’s important to add period ranges by clicking the Add Range button in the bottom right corner. Típicamente, period ranges are defined for annual periods, Como se muestra abajo.

Annual periods with no limit on the amount of periods.

Sin embargo, you can also incorporate both short-term and long-term planning within a single scenario (Como se muestra abajo) or use any combination of period ranges you prefer.

Monthly periods for the first 12 meses, followed by annual periods without any limit on the amount.

After defining the period ranges, you’ll need to add production capacities and economic values for each range.

  • Production capacities: Set limits (en toneladas) para cada destino, as well as the total amount of material moved per period (read more about production constraints).

    Nota: If destinations groups were defined at the previous Destinos subpestaña, these should also be displayed here in order to have their production limited.

    Illustrative example of production capacities for destination groups.
  • Valores económicos: For each period range and destination, assign an importado valor económico. A single destination can have different economic values for various period ranges, Como se muestra abajo.

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