


Uno de los pasos ineludibles para la próxima generación de tecnologías de Data Science e Inteligencia Artificial aplicadas a la minería

Modelos de porcentaje

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A percent model divides the mineral deposit into blocks while accounting for irregularities in the deposit’s shape. Instead of assuming each block is entirely filled with material, the percent model indicates the proportion of each block that actually contains valuable material.

Aunque este no es un paso obligatorio para el proceso de optimización, la litología se puede definir considerando:

  • El tonelaje de un bloque.
  • El valor de un bloque..

Por ejemplo, consider the information of a block as depicted below:

Bloque de información dividido en litologías OX (Oxide), MX (Mixed), PM (Primary) y Residuos.
Such a block could be classified as:
  • MX, si se considera la parcela más grande en términos de tonelaje.
  • PM, if considering the greatest parcel in terms of value.

MiningMath calculates tonnages using the formula: [block size × density]. The average density of a block should be the weighted average, based on the lithologies present and their respective percentages.

Recoveries should also be calculated based on the amount of material recovered from each parcel of the block.

El valor económico se calcula considerando la cantidad de material recuperado de cada paquete, junto con sus respectivos ingresos y costos.

The economic value of a block can be calculated both with and without dilution:

  • sin dilución (Opción 1): Only ore parcels feed the plant

    En este caso, la valor económico porque el proceso consistirá en Ingresos - Costos, donde:
    Ingresos se refiere a la parcela de mineral (70%).
    Processing Costos consulte el paquete de mineral (70%).
    Costos Mineros hacer referencia a todo el bloque (100%).

    Since MiningMath processes the entire block, input a higher value for the process limit, suponiendo que el algoritmo alimentará a la planta con el paquete restante de residuos (30%).

    Additional steps

    1) Create Auxiliary Columns: Track and control the tonnage limits of ore, desperdicio, and any specific lithotype you want to monitor (Como se muestra abajo).

    2) Set Auxiliary Columns as "Otro": During the import process, mark these auxiliary columns as "Other." This allows you to track and control the tonnages of each material.

    3) Adjust Production Charts: Ignore the default production charts and instead use the tonnage charts set as "Other Constraints."

  • con dilución (Opción 2): The entire block feeds the plant.

    En este caso, la valor económico porque el proceso consistirá en Ingresos - Costos, donde:

    Ingresos se refiere a la parcela de mineral (70%).
    Processing Costos hacer referencia a todo el bloque (100%).
    Costos Mineros hacer referencia a todo el bloque (100%).

    Since there is dilution, the processing limit input in the interface should reflect the actual plant limit.

    Additional steps

    1) Create Auxiliary Columns: Use auxiliary columns to provide further control of the tonnages for each parcel, ensuring accurate tracking.

    2) Adjust Processing Limit: Input the real plant limit in the processing limit field to account for dilution.

    By using these adjustments, you can accurately model the economic value of blocks with dilution.

Single block example

The figure below depicts an example of calculations for a block composed of different lithotypes and its respective economic values assuming no dilution and diluted material (download the spreadsheet aquí).

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Modelos de porcentaje

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